Pantomime 2025
Every year some students of the School and Academy are given the opportunity to appear in the annual pantomime held by the Unity Players at the Kingswood Theatre. It is a great opportunity to gain stage experience in a friendly and fun environment.
Show: TBA
Show Dates: TBA
Venue: Kingswood Theatre, Lansdown, Bath
Tickets can be purchased only through Unity, we cannot answer any questions regarding this, so please direct all enquiries to them.
Student and Parent Information
Rehearsals - TBA
Technical Rehearsal at theatre:
See arrivals page
Dress Rehearsal:
See arrivals page
Important information:-
There is no need to wear class uniform . Please wear something sensible that you can move in and appropriate dance shoes. You need to arrive 10 mins before your start time so the afternoon will run to time. Please wait in the foyer until your group is called.
Remember you can not park in the quadrangle please park on Fonthill Rd and walk down the slope to the theatre.
Any children who are new to the pantomime will be shown the changing area ( up in sports hall changing rooms ) on Sunday, so you know where to drop off and pick up during the week.
Once I have running times from Unity Players I can send final information re: what to bring and times for arrival and pick up.
Performing Days
Please read the following information carefully, so you know when to drop off and when to pick up your daughter for the pantomime run.
The Curtis School of Dancers are a treat sprinkled throughout the show. The dancers seemed to get younger with each dance, eliciting more 'ahhs' from the cooing audience, particularly when one tiny tot playing a dancing flower gave her mum an impromptu thumbs up at the end of her well-performed piece.
Bath Chronicle