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Pantomime.... Arrival & Pick up times


Dear Parent,  (  This will be on our website for your ref ) 
Please read ALL OF the following carefully so you are well informed for Panto.

General info :- 
ALADDIN Kingswood Theatre , Lansdown ,Bath.
Please turn left onto Fonthill Rd , park along that road and then walk down the slope through the quad and to the theatre. You will not be able to park, unless you are a blue badge holder, in the quadrangle, at anytime . If you do not know where our changing area is , Lesley or I will show you on Sunday. So you know where to drop off and pick up from during the week. Please buy tickets from the Unity Players , their link is on our website. We do not have anything to do with that side of the pantomime . 

*Technical Rehearsal Sunday 15th at the theatre.
This is for all performers and it is is important that your daughter attends . The stage is going to be a little different this year and your daughter needs to familiarise herself with the space. 
Please wait in the foyer for your group to be called through to rehearse on stage . Class uniform is not required just appropriate footwear. Please arrive 10 mins before the start time so we can run smoothly to time.
1.30pm Parade ( Dragon Dance )
2.30pm Cave of Wonders ( Gold )
3.15pm  Flower Garden ( Ballet )
3.45pm Finale 
4.30pm Ballroom 
5.15pm Finish 

 NB The Dress Rehearsal is for group A only and will run to the same time as an eve performance . 

Reminder:-  Group A Wed , FrI and Sat eve performances 
                    Group B Thurs eve , Sat and Sun Matinee performances

Please arrive an hour before your daughter is on stage , pick up 15 mins mins after her dance  (  or how ever long it takes her to get changed ! )

Parade   Arrive at      6.35pm Eve    1.35pm Matinee 
Parade   Pick up        7.50pm            2.50pm
Garden  Arrive at      6.50pm Eve     1.50pm Matinee
Garden  Pick up        8.05pm            3.05pm 
Gold      Arrive at       7.30pm Eve     2.30pm Matinee 
Gold      Pick up        8.45pm             3.45pm 
Ballroom Arrive at    7.55pm Eve      2.55pm Matinee 
Ballroom Pick up      9.10pm             4.10pm 
Finale Arrive at.        8.30pm Eve     3.30pm Matinee
Finale Pick up           9.45pm            4.45pm 

These times are based on the Unity players’ timing of the pantomime , we will be able to tell you after the dress / first performance if there is any change .

Your daughter will need to bring  the following :- 
Dressing gown or something front fastening to keep warm whilst having hair and make up done. 
Hairbrush , ponytail bands , grips .
Pins and hairnet for Garden Ballet only 

All dancers (  with the exception of the Dragon Parade and Gold please make sure you have a suitable bra for your costume . ) 

1) Parade : black stirrup modern tights , jazz shoes ( she can borrow if she does not do modern) 
2) Garden : Clean white tights and ballet shoes .
3) Gold : Shimmer tights which can be bought from Primark or M&S and Jazz Shoes 
4) Ballroom : Shimmer tights and Jazz Shoes
5) Finale : Tights as discussed with Lesley and Jazz Shoes.

Costume hire charge 
Please pay into the fees account or send as cash in a named , sealed envelope.
1 costume £12.00
2 Costumes £20.00
3 Costumes £28.00

Finally , I hope the girls are looking forward to taking part in the pantomime and enjoy it. I am sure they will dance beautifully . It has not been easy for our students ,Lesley or myself  because we have had so many girls taking exams this term . Hence we have not had as much time this year. Your daughters have risen to the occasion. 
Many thanks,


© 2025 by Curtis School of Dance and Academy. 

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