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Covid - 19

(revised 9/04/21)

Please read below for guidance we were given on 9-04-21. As you will see exemptions are made for children under 16 years old. We DO NOT permit adults into any of our halls at present apart from teaching staff and assistants.

Screenshot 2021-04-09 at 18.04.31.png

Curtis School of Dance & Academy

Revised and updated on 9/04/21 

Compiled: 15th July 2020: G C



Under the current circumstances we have had a review and changed some of the guidelines/policies/procedures we currently have. These will be under constant review as circumstances will change.


Before you attend a class please make sure you or your household are not displaying symptoms of COVID or feeling unwell. If this is the case please DO NOT ATTEND and seek immediate medical advice from the NHS.


At all times Please Practice Respiratory Hygiene by covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and sanitise your hands. Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene, you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.



Start of Term




All students will need to wash their hands before attending class with soap and water.



You must fill out the the relevant NHS QR code form if you are having classes and are over 16 or advise the teacher who can take details. No adults are permitted at present and under 16’s are exempt.



Social Distancing


Social distancing government advice must be adhered to at all times by all members of staff, students and parents. (2M)



On entering and exiting the building ALL students/staff must sanitise their hands at the point provided. This will be clearly marked and in clear view . These points will be regularly cleaned/sanitised after each class. 





Face covering/masks may be worn in class. We would ask that students refrain from touching them where possible once on. It can limit breathing and is entirely your decision. If you forget your mask/face covering, teachers will have a few on hand if you wish to wear one. 

One Way System


We will have a maximum number of students permitted in the halls and a One Way System is being introduced. It will be clearly marked with signage and it is self explanatory. A member of staff will be regularly checking this is adhered to and provide any help if necessary. 




Changing Rooms


There will be NO changing facilities, so upon arrival only students will be permitted into the premises (separate provisions for younger students/parents will be made). All students must be wearing their class uniform (jogger bottoms and a suitable top should be worn to cover/keep warm to and from the venue).






The entrance toilet facility will not be in operation as it will be difficult to monitor who is using it. Toilets for students can be found in the main hall and a member of staff must be informed when being used. This helps with our cleaning and sanitising process. The toilets will be regularly cleaned after each class or every use whichever is first. A rota system will be implemented.(parents will not be able to use them, apologies in advance).





Open Door Policy


All doors will be left open except the main inner door(security). Surfaces/handles of entrances and exits will be cleaned after each class. To help us, please try to avoid touching any surface entering /exiting the building.





Change of Class


Classes will be staggered to avoid cross over and reduce/ease numbers. Please arrive 10 minutes before your class start time so we can safely carry out all sanitising etc. Parents and Students are asked to leave the premises and surrounds immediately after the class end and not to gather. talking etc.




Pick up


To keep things as normal as possible, the pick up of children will be outside the building. It is important that children/parents maintain the expectation of social distancing outside of the school.






We will ensure that Barres and Door handles before/after every use will be sanitised

Toilet cleaning rota will also be implemented. 


Any item that is left in the Studios after a class will be disposed of. There will be no lost and found. Students will have their own distancing area and encouraged to check before their departure.


We will have a contactless lidded bin (pedal) in the studios for tissues etc. These will be regularly checked and emptied at the end of the day or when necessary.


PPE equipment (Gloves and Masks) is available for staff members and should be disposed of in the lidded pedal bins provided after every use.


Teachers will regularly clean their own personal equipment with disinfectant wipes and contact areas. Plugs etc. 


Cleaning equipment will be on hand to sanitise floors after a class that requires dancers to be on the floor or where students have been sitting or waiting.



General entry walkways and contact zones will be cleaned / sanitised every hour on rota.


COVID 19 Suspected case


We are hoping to never use this procedure!!!  But feel it prudent to inform you all.



If in the event of a suspected case during the activity we will isolate the student until they can be taken home where they should self isolate


We will inform anyone that has been in contact with the individual and guide them to the appropriate steps.


All students and staff that are in the class of the suspected Covid case must self isolate and not return to class for the appropriate number of days.

© 2025 by Curtis School of Dance and Academy. 

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