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When you arrive at the school please sign your child in and then they will go to their allocated changing area . Only helping mums will be allowed beyond the sign in area .

The children will stay there until the end of the show . All children should stay for the finale.  ( only in special circumstances should your child be taken away at the interval ) 

The running time for the show , including a 20 mins interval, is 2hrs .


FOOD AND DRINK will not be permitted in the changing rooms , only water .





A dressing gown  or front fastening top . Why ?? Because your child will have hair and make up done first and then wait until half an hour before going on stage to put on their costume this avoids smudging and spoiling .


Hair equipment: 

Hairbrush, plain ponytail bands , grips and pins . Hairspray.


 The following Ballet children only , will need a hairnet for buns to match the colour of their hair :

Bunnies, cats, fairies, flowers, cards , flamingos, , white roses, fans, red roses.


Please undo the packaging before coming to the theatre as it is frustrating if each child has to unwrap pins etc and it wastes time. ( over 180 children ) 


Their own foundation, we suggest a shade darker than their own skin tone . 





ALL BALLET children will need clean white ballet tights and class shoes EXCEPT cats and fish who only need shoes .


All TAP children will need black ankle socks 


All MODERN Children will need Jazz shoes and black ankle socks  EXCEPT cakes who will only need ballet shoes .


SENIORS : Tights for tap /modern dances as discussed with Miss Lesley .


UNDERWEAR : we have talked to the older girls about clear bra straps or nude colour .

White pants that will not show below the leotard line for ballet children.

No racer back bras / coloured pants or big boxer type , granny pants . 


PLEASE NOTE : Your child’s costume will be at the theatre and should remain at the theatre . All costumes are the property of the dance school.



You can collect your child or they can stay at the school. If they do you must provide a packed tea , snacks. 



Please name all dance uniform /shoes so we can identify any items lost between shows or left on Sunday.


Helping Mums info to follow 


Arrival Times


Saturday and Sunday Matinee 

If your child is in act one they need to arrive by 12pm 

If your child is in act two only , they need to arrive by 1pm 


EXCEPT for fish please arrive by 1.15pm


Saturday Eve performance

Act one to arrive by 5.15pm 

Act two only , to arrive by 6.15pm 



A list of which dances are in act 1 and which are in act 2 can be found on the show week rehearsal schedule on the website .


Many thanks for your cooperation 


© 2025 by Curtis School of Dance and Academy. 

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